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Seeds of Hope Page 42

  32. “as much as 60 grams of saturated fat” Jayne Hurley and Bonnie Liebman, “Big: Movie Theaters Fill Buckets… and Bellies,” Nutrition Action Healthletter 36 (December 2009): 1–5.

  33. “linked to obesity” M. E. Bocarsly, E. S. Powell, N. M. Avena, and B. G. Hoebel, “High-Fructose Corn Syrup Causes Characteristics of Obesity in Rats: Increased Body Weight, Body Fat and Triglyceride Levels,” Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 97 (2010): 101–106. Shaeen E. Lakhan and Annette Kirchgessner, “The Emerging Role of Dietary Fructose in Obesity and Cognitive Decline,” Nutrition Journal 12 (2013),

  34. “genetically modified maize” See chapter 14.

  35. “less than 15 percent” “Maize (corn),” “Major Crops Grown in the United States,” US Environmental Protection Agency, accessed August 19, 2013,

  36. “growing obesity epidemic” Q. Shao and K. V. Chin, “Survey of American Food Trends and the Growing Obesity Epidemic,” Nutrition Research and Practice 5 (June 2011): 253–59.


  1. “its ‘Nature Mark’ Bt potato in Canada” V. Shiva, D. Barker, and C. Lockhart, The GMO Emperor Has No Clothes: A Global Citizens Report on the State of GMOs (Florence: Navdanya International, 2011), accessed July 2, 2013, See also “NatureMark Varieties,” Monsanto Company, accessed July 3, 2013,

  2. “Monsanto potato affects many insects other than pests” Nicholas E. Birch et al., “Tri-Trophic Interactions Involving Pest Aphids, Predatory 2-spot Ladybirds and Transgenic Potatoes Expressing Snowdrop Lectin for Aphid Resistance,” Molecular Breeding 5 (1999): 75–83. R. Ramirez-Romero, N. Desneux, A. Decourtye, A. Chaffiol, and M. H. Pham-Delegue, “Does Cry1Ab Protein Affect Learning Performances of the Honey Bee Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera, Apidae)?” Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 70 (2008): 327–33.

  3. “caterpillars of monarch butterflies” John E. Losey, Linda S. Rayor, and Maureen E. Carter, “Transgenic Pollen Harms Monarch Larvae,” Nature 399 (May 20, 1999): 214.

  4. “criticized for exposing the caterpillars” L. Jesse, C. H. Obrycki, and J. J. Obrycki, “Field Deposition of Bt Transgenic Corn Pollen: Lethal Effects on the Monarch Butterfly,” Oecologia 125 (2000): 241–48. Henk van den Belt, “Debating the Precautionary Principle: ‘Guilty until Proven Innocent’ or ‘Innocent until Proven Guilty’?” Plant Physiology 132 (July 2003): 1122–26.

  5. “becoming increasingly resistant” Bruce E. Tabashnik, Thierry Brévault, and Yves Carrière, “Insect Resistance to Bt Crops: Lessons from the First Billion Acres,” Nature Biotechnology 31 (2013): 510–21.

  6. “a more pesticide-dependent agriculture” William Neuman and Andrew Pollack, “Farmers Cope with Roundup-Resistant Weeds,” New York Times, May 3, 2010,

  7. “soy, corn, canola, alfalfa, and sugar beet” “Agricultural Seeds,” Monsanto Company, accessed July 2, 2013, “Roundup Ready Soybean Patent Expiration,” Monsanto Company, accessed July 3, 2013, “Glyphosate Technical Fact Sheet,” National Pesticide Information Center, accessed July 3, 2013,

  8. “twenty-four species of agricultural weeds” “Weeds Resistant to Glycines (G/9) by Species and Country,” The International Survey of Herbicide Resistant Weeds, accessed July 2, 2013,

  9. “when his soybean fields were invaded” Carey Gilliam, “Analysis: Super Weeds Pose Growing Threat to U.S. Crops,” Reuters, September 19, 2011,

  10. “infestation of glyphosate-resistant Palmer pigweed” Jack Kaskey, “Attack of the Superweed,” Bloomberg Businessweek Magazine, September 8, 2011,

  11. “ ‘the single largest threat to production agriculture’ ” William Neuman and Andrew Pollack, “Farmers Cope with Roundup-Resistant Weeds,” New York Times, May 3, 2010,

  12. “first countries outside North America” Graham Brookes and Peter Barfoot, “GM Crops: The First Ten Years: Global Socio-Economic and Environmental Impacts,” International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-Biotech Applications Briefs 36 (2006),

  13. “cocktail of other herbicides to deal with them” Melody M. Bomgardner, “War on Weeds,” Chemical & Engineering News 90 (May 2012): 20–22.

  14. “2,4-D was a key ingredient in Agent Orange” “Agent Orange: Background on Monsanto’s Involvement,” Monsanto Company, accessed July 17, 2013,

  15. “higher rates of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma” “Agricultural Health Study Fact Sheet,” National Cancer Institute, accessed July 2, 2013, See also Renu Gandhi and Suzanne M. Snedeker, “Pesticides and Breast Cancer Risk: An Evaluation of 2,4-D,” Breast Cancer and Environmental Risk Factors 14 (March 1998), last modified March 31, 2010,

  16. “encourage the growth of certain kinds of soil fungus” S. Sanogo, X. B. Yang, and H. Scherm, “Effects of Herbicides on Fusarium solani f. sp. glycines and Development of Sudden Death Syndrome in Glyphosate-Tolerant Soybean,” Disease Control and Pest Management 90 (2000): 57–66.

  17. “some tests reported no adverse effects” Chelsea Snell et al., “Assessment of the Health Impact of GM Plant Diets in Long-term and Multigenerational Animal Feeding Trials: A Literature Review,” Food and Chemical Toxicology 50 (March–April 2012): 1134–48. Marcel Kuntz and Agnes E. Ricroch, “Is It Time to Adjust the Current Regulatory Risk Assessment for GM Food and Feed?” Information Systems for Biotechnology News Report, February 2012,

  18. “maintaining GM crops were safe” Jose L. Domingo and J. G. Bordonaba, “A Literature Review on the Safety Assessment of Genetically Modified Plants,” Environment International 37 (2011): 734–42.

  19. “in some way connected to the GMO industry” Johan Diels, Mario Cunha, Célia Manaia, Bernardo Sabugosa-Madeira, and Margarida Silva, “Association of Financial or Professional Conflict of Interest to Research Outcomes on Health Risks or Nutritional Assessment Studies of Genetically Modified Products,” Food Policy 36 (April 2011): 197–203.

  20. “results of animal experimentation” Gilles-Eric Seralini, Dominique Cellier, and Joel Spiroux de Vendomois, “New Analysis of a Rat Feeding Study with a Genetically Modified Maize Reveals Signs of Hepatorenal Toxicity,” Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 52 (May 2007): 596–602. Belin Poletto Mezzomo et al., “Hematotoxicity of Bacillus thuringiensis as Spore-Crystal Strains Cry1Aa, Cry1Ab, Cry1Ac or Cry2Aa in Swiss Albino Mice,” Journal of Hematology & Thromboembolic Diseases 1 (2013), L. Vecchio, B. Cisterna, M. Malatesta, T. E. Martin, and M. Biggiogera, “Ultrastructural Analysis of Testes from Mice Fed on Genetically Modified Soybean,” European Journal of Histochemistry 48 (2004): 448–54. R. Tudisco et al., “Genetically Modified Soya Bean in Rabbit Feeding: Detection of DNA Fragments and Evaluation of Metabolic Effects by Enzymatic Analysis,” Animal Science 82 (2006): 193–99. Massimo Trabalza-Marinucci et al., “A Three-Year Longitudinal Study on the Effects of a Diet Containing Genetically Modified Bt176 Maize on the Health Status and Performan
ce of Sheep,” Livestock Science 113 (2008): 178–90.

  21. “reports I read summarized the adverse effects” V. Shiva, op. cit., The GMO Emperor Has No Clothes,

  22. “adverse conditions that were noted” Joel Spiroux de Vendomois, Francois Roullier, Dominique Cellier, and Gilles-Eric Seralini, “A Comparison of the Effects of Three GM Corn Varieties on Mammalian Health,” International Journal of Biological Sciences 5 (2009): 706–26. Alberto Finamore et al., “Intestinal and Peripheral Immune Response to MON810 Maize Ingestion in Weaning and Old Mice,” Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 56 (2008): 11533–39.

  23. “terminated after just ninety days” Katherine Goldstein, “Monsanto GM Corn Causing Organ Failure in Rats Study: Everything You Need to Know,” Huffington Post, March 21, 2010, See also “Monsanto Maize Approved for Human Consumption Potentially Toxic, Warns New Study,” Greenpeace, press release, June 14, 2007, “Greenpeace Briefing Document for EU Environment Council, Luxembourg, 28 June 2007,” Greenpeace, press release, June 27, 2007, Gilles-Eric Seralini, Dominique Cellier, and Joel Spiroux de Vendomois, “Report on NK 603 GM Maize Produced by Monsanto Company: Controversial Effects on Health Reported after Subchronic Toxicity Test: 90-Day Study Feeding Rats,” June 2007, accessed July 3, 2013,

  24. “no regulator anywhere in the world” Judy Carman, “Evidence of GMO Harm in Pig Study,” accessed September 11, 2013,

  25. “animals were fed the diet over a longer time period” Gilles-Eric Seralini et al., “Long-term Toxicity of a Roundup Herbicide and a Roundup-Tolerant Genetically Modified Maize,” Food and Chemical Toxicology 50 (November 2012): 4221–321.

  26. “conducted in real farm conditions” J. A. Carman et al., “A Long-term Toxicology Study on Pigs Fed a Combined Genetically Modified (GM) Soy and GM Maize Diet,” Journal of Organic Systems 8 (2013): 38–54.

  27. “fed a diet typical for US industrial piggeries” Ibid.

  28. “pigs fed a GM-food diet had heavier uteruses” Ibid.

  29. “veterinarians and farmers have been reporting” Judy Carman, “Evidence of GMO Harm in Pig Study,” accessed July 3, 2013,

  30. “assertions of a Danish pig farmer” Erik Hansen, “Svineproducent Hoster Gevinst af GMO-fri Soja,” Effektivt Landrug, April 13, 2012, in Danish,

  31. “bloating, stomach ulcers, chronic diarrhea” GM-Free Cymru, “GM Soy Linked to Health Damage in Pigs: A Danish Dossier,” GM Watch, April 27, 2012,

  32. “gave a TV interview about the results of a comparative study” Arpad Pusztai, “Welcome to Arpad Pusztai’s Homepage,” last modified February 5, 2008,

  33. “Institute suspended Pusztai and seized his results” Andrew Rowell, Don’t Worry (It’s Safe to Eat): The True Story of GM Food, BSE and Foot and Mouth (Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2013). Stanley W. B. Ewen and A. Pusztai, “Effect of Diets Containing Genetically Modified Potatoes Expressing Galanthus nivalis Lectin on Rat Small Intestine,” Lancet 345 (October 1999): 1353–54. “Health Risks of Genetically Modified Foods,” Lancet 353 (May 1999): 1811.

  34. “a panel of unnamed specialists” Rebecca Bowden, “Royal Society Review,” e-mail to A. Pusztai, May 10, 1999,

  35. “go ahead and publish the study” Stanley, op. cit., 1353–54.

  36. “a responsibility to speak out” James Randerson, “Arpad Pusztai: Biological Divide,” Guardian, January 14, 2008,

  37. “honored him with a whistle-blower award” “Whistleblower: Preisverleihung,” Vereinigung Deutscher Wissenschaftlen, in German, accessed July 3, 2013,

  38. “stress of the smear campaign contributed” Rowell, op. cit.

  39. “Monsanto’s application to introduce NK603 maize” EFSA Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms, “Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms [GMO] on a Request From the Commission Related to the Notification (Reference CE/ES/00/01) for the Placing on the Market of Herbicide-Tolerant Genetically Modified Maize NK603, for Import and Processing, under Part C of Directive 2001/18/EC from Monsanto,” European Food Safety Authority Journal 10 (2003): 1–13.

  40. “Greenpeace successfully sued” Goldstein, op. cit., Greenpeace, op. cit., and

  41. “rats fed on the NK603 maize” de Vendomois, op. cit., 706–26. Seralini, op. cit.,

  42. “Monsanto dismissed them all as not ‘biologically meaningful’ ” “Application for Renewal of the Authorisation for Continued Marketing of Existing Feed Materials, Feed Additives and Food Additives Produced from MON 863 x NK603 Maize That Were Previously Notified, According to Articles 8(1)(b) and 20(1)(b) of Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 on Genetically Modified Food and Feed. Part II,” Monsanto Company, April 2007, 1–24, accessed July 3, 2013, See also European Food Safety Authority, “Applications (References EFSA-GMO-NL-2005-22, EFSA-GMO-RX-NK603) for the Placing on the Market of the Genetically Modified Glyphosate Tolerant Maize NK603 for Cultivation, Food and Feed Uses, Import and Processing and for Renewal of the Authorisation of Maize NK603 as Existing Products, Both Under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 From Monsanto. Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms,” European Food Safety Authority Journal 1137 (2009): 1–50.

  43. “they embarked on a two-year study” Seralini, op. cit., 4221–321.

  44. “developed a variety of health problems” Ibid.

  45. “his experiment was poorly designed” Henry I. Miller, “Scientists Smell a Rat in Fraudulent Genetic Engineering Study,” Forbes, September 25, 2012, About Henry Miller, see “This Man Is Lying about Your Food,” Care2, October 22, 2012,

  46. “should not be pushed under the carpet” John Vidal, “Study Linking GM Maize to Cancer Must Be Taken Seriously by Regulators,” Guardian, September 28, 2012,

  47. “giving Seralini an option to withdraw” A. Wallace Hayes, Letter to G. E. Seralini, November 19, 2013,

  48. “only grounds for removal” “Retraction Guidelines,” Committee on Publication Ethics,

  49. “ ‘the results presented (while not incorrect)’ ” Hayes, op. cit.

  50. “Several hundred scientists signed an open letter” Institute of Science in Society, “Open Letter on Retraction and Pledge to Boycott Elsevier,” ISIS Report, December 4, 2013,

  51. “Seralini is considering suing the journal” Jon Entine, “Seralini Threatens Lawsuit in Wake of Retraction of Infamous GMO Cancer Rat
Study,” Forbes, November 29, 2013,

  52. “serious health problems, including organ toxicity” Alberto Finamore et al., “Intestinal and Peripheral Immune Response to MON810 Maize Ingestion in Weaning and Old Mice,” Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 56 (2008): 11533–39. Aysn Kilic and M. Turan Akay, “A Three Generation Study with Genetically Modified Bt Corn in Rats: Biochemical and Histopathological Investigation,” Food and Chemical Toxicology 46 (2008): 1164–70. S. Kroghsbo et al., “Immunotoxicological Studies of Genetically Modified Rice Expressing PHA-E Lectin or Bt Toxin in Wistar Rats,” Toxicology 245 (March 2008): 24–34. A. Velimirov, C. Binter, and J. Zentek, “Biological Effects of Transgenic Maize NK603xNIB810 Fed in Long-term Reproduction Studies in Mice,” November 11, 2008, 1–105, M. Malatesta et al., “A Long-term Study on Female Mice Fed on a Genetically Modified Soybean: Effects on Liver Ageing,” Histochemistry and Cell Biology 130 (November 2008): 967–77. Stanley, op. cit., 1353–54.

  53. “advise patients to avoid GM foods” “Genetically Modified Foods,” American Academy of Environmental Medicine, last modified May 8, 2009,

  54. “warned against the unknown health effects” “Genetically Modified Foods and Organisms,” US Department of Energy Office of Science, Office of Biological and Environmental Research, last modified May 17, 2012,

  55. “ ‘no adequate testing’ has been performed” “Genetically Engineered Foods,” US Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, last modified March 22, 2013,